Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quenching my thirst

As contrary as it may appear, the last couple of weeks have been very rough for me. I would say that currently the Lord is teaching me a lot about being his child in a world that has adopted a life outside of the perfect design that he wants us to see and live. I say that this has been rough for me because I have been and am in situations that my human nature tells me are lonely and uncomfortable, but the word of God tells me differently. Someone recently pointed me toward Hebrews 12, where I studied for days until I finally saw the reality and truth behind this season of my life. This is a time of discipline, where I will learn to endure - a time of putting everything under the authority of Christ so that he can mold me into a child of his who walks in the faith that her creator is working everything for the good of his glory. A time of constant thirst for discernment and knowledge of truth. Especially a time for learning about the patience of becoming a woman who fears the Lord in all of her words, decisions, and actions. I want to make every day that I have on this earth count for the glory of our God, and I want to see his goodness in every situation that he sovereignly places me in.

" Until the will and affections are brought under the authority of Christ, we have not begun to understand, let alone accept, his LORDSHIP. The cross, as it enters the love life, will reveal the heart's truth . My heart I knew would forever be a lonely hunter unless settled "" Where true Joys are to be found.""
- Elisabeth Elliot

This is such a beautiful line, and it is so true! Unless my passion , will, and affections are brought under the Lord's authority, I will never see his Lordship in my life. I will never thirst for his wisdom or trust that he knows what is best for me.

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