Monday, June 18, 2007


Those of you who know me know that I love pearls. It's not the price I love, but the gentle classy touch that a pearl can add to a simple ordinary look. It wasn't until recently that I realized the symbolism that a simple strand of pearls had to my life. For those of you who do not know, a pearl is made when a piece of sand or something of that nature is lodged into an oyster causing an irritation within the shell. The oyster then forms somewhat of a shell around this irritation thus resulting in a beautiful pearl.

My sin is very symbolic to the sand within this oyster shell. For the longest time, I allowed my sin to remain with the other thousands of grains of sand in this world. I was comfortable on the beach and on the ocean floor where I fit in with so many other grains of sand. I was completely unaware of what God could make of my life if I allowed him to take this sin, but all along I could see him;I knew his shell was not far from me. The moment I finally allowed him to transform my sin a beautiful jewel was created, handcrafted by the creator of the universe.

I still have so many irritations in my life that do not reflect the love that Christ has shed on me, but out of his grace he pulls me in and makes pearl after pearl out of my ugly sin. My prayer is that he continues to strand my pearls, and that one day I will wear a necklace displaying the fruit that he has produced out of my life.

I am so excited that he has given me this time to be his and to really learn how I can use my gifts to serve him. I know that through this time I have in waiting for the Lord to reveal his calling for my life I am going to grow into the woman that will one day bring glory to his name. Then I can proudly wear the necklace that has been so carefully crafted by the one true love of my life...Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a beautiful anology! May God the Father continue to forgive us our sins and make us beautiful through His grace and love.